Kamis, 08 September 2016

UTeM | Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Hi, I am Student Mobility from UDINUS (University Dian Nuswantoro), Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia to UTeM (University Technical Malaysia Melaka), Malaysia. It is the task of the first week (LEC).The first experience of seeing Campus UTeM | University Technical Malaysia Melaka, Address: Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia, Overall is Very happy. Because there has facilities and supporting a comprehensive learning. I took FTMK (Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat Komunikasi), There I get friends from various foreign countries, and certainly add a connection. Additionally in UTeM way of learning is very pleasant, friendly, Students there are very smart and quick, active and interactive class. I was amazed by how quick learning and understanding. I want to learn how they learn to like it. Hopefully my dream come true, get useful science. Hopefully I can Scholarship S2-S3 at UTeM. Amin :).
Now, I'm trying to tell you what I felt after getting in UTeM. I know, UTeM is the first technical campus and among the largest in Malaysia besides other than "campus city" and "technology campus".
I am very pleased to have the Mobility experience here, all the students are friendly and sociable.
Oh yes, this blog is the first task to create a blog on the subject: Web Application development by PN Norazlin. The first meeting was on the base and the introduction of the Internet that aim that we have the basic knowledge before committing to a further stage.
The first meeting of the core is On what is Internet, www, DNS, URL structure, HTTP, Scripting, etc. The point is all the basic knowledge to understand before entering the stage of Web appication Defelopment. I am very happy this subject because it fits my hobby. I hope the next meeting I get knowledge of the theory and practice of incredible and makes me more spirit. I Love Malaysia and Indonesia, I Love UTeM Campuss
UTeM, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, DICKY, DICKY IBROHIM
My History: 

  • Champion IT/ Software Application, Kudus City, Central Java Indonesia 2012
  • Have a valid Certificate CISCO CCNA 1 Discovery
  • Have a valid Certificate CISCO CCNA 2 Discovery 
  • Certificate Certificate of Computer Skills & Management Information
  • Letter of congratulations CISCO CCNA1 & 2 from John T. Chambers (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer CISCO Networking Academy)
  • Certificate Course Packet Tracer 101
  • Scholarships "SUPERIOR" 2015, Till Bachelor at UDINUS, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Graduates from Computer Engineering and Networks, SMK Muhammadiyah Kudus 2014
  • Collages from Informatics Enggineering, Dian Nuswantoro University (UDINUS), Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia (2015- Now)Mobility (Student Exchange) to: UTeM (Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka), Malaysia (2016- Now)

One of the subjects that there are: Web Application Development, Lecture: PN Norazlin. You can see the first material that I dapt in this matter in another article: CLICK HERE
My Lecture: Pn Norazlin binti Mohammed

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